January 2023 Brief Project Update


Image by OceanEnergy

Progress is being made across all tasks in WEDUSEA Work Package 2 (Front End Engineering Design and Procurement) building on learnings from previous wave energy projects. All the design elements are currently in the process of being finalised by the project partners. Two days of workshops have been set up to take place in Cork in mid-March to review the deliverable reports from the WEDUSEA task leaders.

WEDUSEA partners have made significant progress. Key highlights are as follows:

  • Advanced Simulation Technologies SL have completed the optimised design of the Wells turbine and an air flow control system consisting of valves is currently being developed to prevent the turbine from stalling.
  • Longitude Engineering have redesigned the hull to incorporate the turbine design, with the potential for an overall weight saving.
  • Fraunhofer IEE have progressed with the design of the power take off system. University College Cork have scoped the sensors required for the data acquisition system including those required for environmental monitoring.
  • Mooring design is ongoing and INNOSEA has developed a model specific to the OE35 at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) site.
  • OceanEnergy completed tank testing for the project at the Lir National Ocean Test Facility in Ireland. The device was tested using wave states that are expected at the EMEC site.

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Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.