A Step Change For Wave Energy

Welcome to the WEDUSEA project. Our goal is to create a step change for the wave energy industry.

An ambient blurry background made of different gradient colours
Crashing ocean waves

The Huge Potential
for Wave Energy

Wave energy is arguably the world’s most valuable renewable energy resource. But the huge potential that it offers has yet to be realised. That is why the WEDUSEA project has been created. The success of the €19.6 million WEDUSEA project will be a catalyst for the industrialisation of wave energy in Europe and around the world.

To make this happen, WEDUSEA has created a unique collaboration between 14 partners spanning industry and academia from across Ireland, the UK, France, Germany and Spain. Each partner brings their own leading-edge technical skills and research expertise to the WEDUSEA project. Co-funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme and Innovate UK, WEDUSEA is set to be a game-changer for wave energy worldwide.

Latest project updates

See the latest stage of developments of the WEDUSEA project.


October 2024 brief project update

AWTEC2024 EMEC, a project partner, delivered a presentation titled “The Role of Test Centres in Innovation and Industry Development,”...

An ambient blurry background made of different gradient colours

Our Partners

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.